About Right Field Farm - David and Lina Brunton
Our family farm grows and delivers flowers in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. From April to October, we deliver over two hundred varieties of flowers in abundant, garden-inspired arrangements.
During the season we send out weekly updates with all the latest information, including pop-up specials and growing tips for your own gardens. Make sure to sign up below!

We don't ever use pesticides on our flowers or in our soil. This means Right Field Farm is home to wild bees and birds and frogs and soil fungi and all manner of woodland critters. It's also home to a small herd of Tunis sheep for wool, laying hens for eggs, assorted pets for companionship, and of course, our family pictured here.
If you have any questions about our farm or our flowers, send us a note at flowers@rightfieldfarm.com. We're always happy to make new flower friends!