Moments on Right Field Farm

Coming Soon!
The Bupleurum pictured here was direct seeded outdoors in early October. With the late February thaw, it’s starting to ease out of dormancy, like all the other cool flowers. We...
Coming Soon!
The Bupleurum pictured here was direct seeded outdoors in early October. With the late February thaw, it’s starting to ease out of dormancy, like all the other cool flowers. We...

Tulips and blue sky
After the warm day yesterday, it feels like everything is peeking out all at once! The tulips are densely planted, and covered in compost in the fall. They spend the...
Tulips and blue sky
After the warm day yesterday, it feels like everything is peeking out all at once! The tulips are densely planted, and covered in compost in the fall. They spend the...

Hellebores self-mulching
There is some debate among hellebore growers about whether last season’s foliage should be removed in the spring. We leave it because we love the way it lays down out...
Hellebores self-mulching
There is some debate among hellebore growers about whether last season’s foliage should be removed in the spring. We leave it because we love the way it lays down out...

Roses are waking up
The early roses are just starting to break dormancy, a harbinger of roses to come. The earliest growth is bright red, all up and down the canes.
Roses are waking up
The early roses are just starting to break dormancy, a harbinger of roses to come. The earliest growth is bright red, all up and down the canes.

Seedlings under lights
Cerinthe, Statice, and Cynoglossum seeds are sprouting up in soil blocks (indoors for now) in preparation for early spring planting out.
Seedlings under lights
Cerinthe, Statice, and Cynoglossum seeds are sprouting up in soil blocks (indoors for now) in preparation for early spring planting out.

Daffies are peeking up
The daffodils are peeking up. Ours are always a little behind the ones in the neighborhood - our soil is a little cooler I think. If you look closely at...
Daffies are peeking up
The daffodils are peeking up. Ours are always a little behind the ones in the neighborhood - our soil is a little cooler I think. If you look closely at...